NatureLand Organic Coconut Oil 400ml
Coconut oil is often described as the healthiest oil on earth. It has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and medicine. Coconut oil contains a medium-chain fatty acids that stimulates metabolism, provides more energy.
Organic Coconut oil is often described as the healthiest oil on Earth. It has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food and a medicine. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that stimulates metabolism, provides more energy. We use coconut oil even to oil our hairs and it also works well as moisturizer. Using coconut oil in foods, boost heart health and also remits craving. Using coconut oil on hairs and skin enhances and protects it for long time. You can also use coconut oil to clean your teeth and gums by doing oil pulling.
For different varieties of oils click here Organic Cooking Oils.
How to use