Live · Life · Better
A happy life starts with a healthy family, healthy society and healthy planet. As a parent there is nothing more important to me than health of family, being able to raise socially responsible children and leading a lifestyle that preserves our planet for the coming generations.
Each day the choices we make in our daily life impact each of these aspects. Every time we buy from the supermarkets we make a choice. Sometimes it is the convenience of buying everything from place, sometimes it is cost and sometimes it is just because we do not put any thought into it. Before we started BasicBrowns.com I was in the same boat as you. Even though I was always mindful of what I was buying for my family, how I was treating my own self or how we cleaned our house, it was a struggle finding all the right products at a reasonable price and the convenience of the big box stores. Let's face it, in our busy lives I would rather spend that extra time with my kids rather than run between stores. Wouldn't we all love a trusted place where we can get organic foods, organic and natural personal care products, organic baby foods, eco-friendly cooking and home care products all at one place without breaking the bank.
This is the reason why we started BasicBrowns.com. The entire concept is based on a simple principle. If it is not good enough for my home, it is not good enough for our store. A healthy life doesn't stop with just organic food. We should consider the chemicals we use in cleaning our home where our family spends the most time together, the personal care products we use on our skin, the disposables we use and cookware with coatings like teflon. The impact these have on our life, health of our family and the environmental damage they cause is tremendous. Most of these are not visible immediately. These are slow evolving risks and by the time we realize them it is already too late.
Let's take control of our life back. Let's take that morning walk with friends, of course socially distanced till the COVID pandemic is behind us. Let's spend that extra half an hour with our kids learning about their day. Let's make the right choice in everything we buy. Let's clean up the neighborhood corner. Let BasicBrowns.com be your partner in this journey. Let's live life better.
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